About Lynda Lee, yes that's me! Writing about oneself is never easy, I'll give you an overview then a approximate timeline with links to my expanded versions on the relevant pages throughout TownCryer.NZ. That way, you have the option to find out who I truly am and how I have become the person I am today. 

Keep an eye out for HEARYE on the road, Louis and I might be in a town near you and would love to catch up, and if by any chance you're travelling behind us right now call and say, "hi yes we're right behind you!" It's true, in life it's the small things that count. Look forward to meeting you, take care and have a Great Day!

021 309 216


With over 40 years of successful sales and marketing experience, Lynda is a skilled and award-winning marketing professional who has sold all her treasures and now embarked on 'A Journey of NZ' to explore, meet, unite, empower and liberate kiwis into celebrating together great businesses, products, people, property, news and success stories! 

"I know while on my travels I'm going to meet some amazing Kiwis with a lifetime of stories to tell, stumble across some awesome businesses successfully servicing locals and tourists alike, catch-up with baby boomers like myself who've moved out packed-up and hit the road, visit some clever Kiwis with outstanding products to sell, hear about some good sorts in your town, and because I'm too young to retire, I want to use all my skills and experience to share all of these amazing success stories and much more. 

So come on, you name it, how can I help you on your Journey? Call me on 021 309 216.

Look out for HEARYE on the road, Louis and I might be in a town near you and would love to catch up!"

Lynda Lee


My Journey

ANZ Bank, Travel, 3 children
1973 - 1987

Travel, Study Art & Design UK
1999 - 2006

Celebrate. Together. Share.